Zagreb No. 10 on list of Europe's 11 Cheapest Cities for Travelers

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Zagreb was listed among Europe's 11 cheapest cities for travelers on a budget with a note that you can spend a day in Croatia's capital at just US$38.95.

The beach resort towns of Croatia are the main attraction, so Zagreb, which is well inland, tends to be only a short stop for most. Still fairly cheap by European standards, and especially compared to Italy next door, Zagreb is a bargain and a worthwhile pause on the way to one of the beach towns, according to the European Backpacker Index for 2014, which ranked Zagreb at the 10th place.

The Index, which is designed to assist budget-minded consumers plan and compare destinations “at a glance,” is based on the price of a hostel bed (one night in the cheapest bunk at the least expensive hostel in a good location with good reviews), two public transportation rides, three budget meals, the average cost of one cultural attraction and three inexpensive beers (or wine) for each day in each city.

According to the index Bucharest is the cheapest city for budget travelers, costing just $23.38 per day. But it's "definitely not Romania's most charming town," according to the European Backpacker Index which was carried by ABC News.

Sofia, Bulgaria is second with a "very pleasant city center that is very welcoming of foreign tourists." costing only $24.43 per day.

Krakow, Poland is the third cheapest city in Europe where budget travelers are expected to spend $25.06 per day. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina is next. "Three cheap, local beers are included in the daily price index, and in this area that'll run you just a few bucks per day. Sarajevo is another that is struggling to attract tourists. The location deep into the mountains is remote, but it's also gorgeous once you arrive," according to ABC news.

Kyiv, Ukraine is next. About $26 per day is all you need to have a budget stay in Ukraine, though the site notes that Kyiv "is a long way from the normal backpacking trail so it doesn't get any accidental visitors. It's also still somewhat challenging for those who don't know Russian or Ukrainian, though that part is likely to change in the coming years."

Coming in at No. 6 on the cheapest cities list is Riga, Latvia, ABC News said adding that it is a great bargain for the backpacking set. The site notes that hostels are a particularly good value. Plan to spend about $26 per day.

Belgrade, Serbia is described as a lively and interesting urban city with good nightlife and appealing prices. Budget travellers are expected to spend between 27 and 30 dollars per day.

Budapest, Hungary is coming in at No. 8. Budapest will cost you just $31.49 per day. As for things to do, "the castles and cathedrals are enough, but here you also get thermal spas that are cheap enough even for the backpacking set."

Backpackers can visit Warsaw, Poland at just $35.78 per day.

Zagreb is No. 10 on the list, with the note that the Croatian capital is often overlooked for the popular towns along the coast. But at just $38.95 per day, it is a hard bargain to pass up, and is still "fairly cheap by European standards, and especially compared to Italy next door, Zagreb is a bargain and a worthwhile pause on the way to one of the beach towns."

Bratislava, Slovakia is the last on the list of Europe's 11 Cheapest Cities for Travelers. "You'd think that practically being walking distance from Vienna would make Bratislava a very popular stop for those on a Europe tour, but so far it's still mostly forgotten," said ABC News. But with a price tag of just $40.79 per day, maybe it shouldn't be.

