Minister says 2012 tourism measures to be elaborated soon

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The Croatian tourism sector will enter 2012 ready and with measures to be agreed on in the coming days by the public and private sectors, Tourism Minister Damir Bajs said on Thursday after meeting with representatives of professional associations and chambers from the tourist trade at his ministry in Zagreb.

Proposals from the associations are expected in the next ten days so that the ministry could prepare draft measures for the government's session before the Croatian Tourism Days event, to begin on 19 October.

Given that this year's measures have proved to be successful, resulting in what Bajs said were the best tourist results ever, the bulk of them will be implemented next year, but they will be more elaborated and better.

Some of the main goals will be retaining Croatia's share in the international market, attracting back domestic guests and making the season longer, he added.

It is likely that funds to be earmarked for advertising and promotion will be around 35 million Euros, just as they were this year, the minister said. (Hina)
