Gov't says development project Brijuni Rivijera of special interest to Croatia

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The Croatian government on Monday adopted a decision defining the tourism development project Brijuni Rivijera as an integral development project of particular interest to the Republic of Croatia, in light of the fact that it covers the coastal belt and real estate owned by the Republic of Croatia which border on the same coastal belt for which the government will give concessions within this project, the government's public relations office said in a statement.

The decision was made in line with amendments to a decision on the procedure of giving a concession for the coastal belt, adopted at a government session on September 8. The government formulated a notification on its intent to give a concession for the coastal belt for the purpose of construction and commercial exploitation of the marinas Sveta Katarina and Luka 2, on the island Sv. Katarina-Monumenti, which is covered by the Brijuni Rivijera project. On its land part, the Sveta Katarina marina will have an area of 64,607 square metres, while its sea area will be 151,599 square metres.

The land part of the marina Luka 2 will have an area of 69,295 square metres, while its sea area will be 59,159 square metres. The concession to build and operate the two marinas will be given for a period of 50 years from the day a concession agreement is signed, the government statement said. (Hina)
