Croatian Tourism does not Stimulate Import

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The Study 'Croatian products for Croatian Tourism' scattered once and for all illusion about how much Croatian tourism is depending on a large-scale import of foreign products, stated Božidar Kalmeta, Minister of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development at today's official presentation of the Study.

Data from the Study showed that import participates only with 6% in the total income achieved by the hospitality industry, while the hospitality industry participates only with 0.7% in the total amount of Croatian import.

Kalmeta pointed out that this Study finally showed that import was not so important for the functioning of Croatian tourism, despite of the allegations that almost all products sold through the tourist industry were foreign products.

The Study also showed that domestic inn-keepers and hotel keepers were mostly buying and using domestic products, and that there was still enough space for the further development of Croatian products i.e. the export of such products via the tourist industry, the minister underlined. He firmly stated that the Study was a basis for future activities directed towards increasing that kind of export.

Further results show that guests and tourists in Croatia, from 2004 onwards, spent over EUR 6.9 billion (80% foreigners, 20% domestic tourist).
The statistically registered income of legal and natural persons in the hospitality industry for the year 2004 mounted up to HRK 12.1 billion, while the citizens, offering the service of private accommodation achieved an additional amount of HRK 1.3 billion.

The Study also indicated that hotel companies are importing only a smaller amount (beneath average) of food and beverages, while they import a larger amount of other products, including material and parts for technical maintenance.

Another important topic during the presentation was the necessity for increasing the total quality of hospitality offers and products, the importance of creating additional links between producers and those employed in the hospitality industry, the promotion of domestic brands, education along the line – producer – supplier – purchaser.

The Study was commissioned by the Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development and the Croatian Chamber of Economy, and it was researched and drawn up by the Institute for Tourism.

The main goals of the Study included activities which should promote a larger presence of domestic products in hotels and restaurants as well as in private accommodation objects, based on a price and quality analyses of foreign and domestic products as well as reasons for their import.
