Croatia sees 7.7% increase in tourist arrivals

Photo /arhiva/HTZlogo.jpg

In the first 11 months of this year, 11.07 million tourists visited the Croatian Adriatic coast and Zagreb, or 7.7 per cent more than in the corresponding period of 2010, while the number of bed/nights increased by 7 per cent to nearly 65 million, according to figures released by the National Tourist Board on Friday. Most of the tourists were foreigners - 9.8 million, or 8.2 per cent more than in the January-November period of last year.

In the first 11 months of this year, 11.07 million tourists visited the Croatian Adriatic coast and Zagreb, or 7.7 per cent more than in the corresponding period of 2010, while the number of bed/nights increased by 7 per cent to nearly 65 million, according to figures released by the National Tourist Board on Friday.

Most of the tourists were foreigners - 9.8 million, or 8.2 per cent more than in the January-November period of last year. They generated 58.2 million bed/nights, an increase of 7.2 per cent.

The number of domestic tourists went up 3.8 per cent to 1.2 million, and they booked 6.5 million bed/nights, up 4.6 per cent. (Hina)
