Assistant minister expects over EUR 9b from tourist trade

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Assistant Tourism Minister Robert Pende says he expects tourism revenues in 2016 to exceed nine billion euros, a record high compared to recent years."We expect foreign and domestic tourist spending to go beyond 9 billion euros in 2016," the assistant minister said at a business conference in Split on Friday.

Assistant Tourism Minister Robert Pende says he expects tourism revenues in 2016 to exceed nine billion euros, a record high compared to recent years.

"We expect foreign and domestic tourist spending to go beyond 9 billion euros in 2016," the assistant minister said at a business conference in Split on Friday.

He explained that the projections were based on the fact that tourism revenues in the first quarter of 2016 jumped by 17 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2015.

Pende also stressed that tourist arrivals and nights were set to increase by 4.5% and 6% on the year.

