Vukovar posts positive tourism results in 2022

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In 2022, the eastern town of Vukovar recorded 44% more tourist arrivals and 33% more nights than in 2021, and the nights were 5% higher than in 2019, a record-breaking year for tourism.

Last year 16,565 tourists visited Vukovar, generating 36,437 nights. If school trips are added, which resumed last April after the pandemic, the number of arrivals is 39,569 and the number of nights 65,866, up 243% and 140%, respectively, from 2021.

According to Vukovar Tourist Board data, last year 305 cruise ships with 29,607 passengers arrived in the town on the Danube. The town also opened nine new accommodation facilities and now has 1,056 beds.

Seven years ago, Vukovar had 17 accommodation facilities and now it has 58, Mayor Ivan Penava said earlier this week.

He said he was glad interest in memorial tourism was not waning and that interest in sports tourism was increasing.

For this year Penava announced the start of construction works on the Vučedol Archaeological Park and on four new river docks for cruise ships.

Vukovar Tourist Board director Marina Sekulić said last year the town was proclaimed one of the three most successful continental city tourism destinations.

The Integrated Quality Management Destination project shows that the overall satisfaction of visitors to Vukovar last year was 93 points out of a maximum 100.

