​Slovenia waiting for EU guidelines on travel

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Slovenia will await recommendations from the European Commission concerning their citizens' possible holiday trips abroad, and it will make a decision based on the situation in each country, the authorities said on Tuesday.

The European Commission said that it would soon issue guidelines on temporary border restrictions put in place to curb the coronavirus epidemic, but member states will make their own decisions.
"Member states will decide for themselves," government's spokesman Jelko Kacin told a press conference.
He said that Slovenia bordered some European coronavirus hot spots, so it would make decisions on the basis of an assessment of how safe it is to travel to those contiguous countries and on the information it receives.
According to Kacin, the government is considering gradually easing the lockdown, but it is too early to talk about reopening schools and kindergartens, holding sports events, concerts and other mass gatherings.
In Slovenia, a total of 1,220 persons have been infected, and 56 have died since the outbreak of the infection. (Hina/FaH)
