Project Claustra+ introduces app for discovering ancient heritage in Croatia and Slovenia

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The mobile application Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, introduced in Rijeka on Friday, will allow users to find and discover objects of the Late Antiquity defence complex in Croatia and Slovenia with the aim of extending the tourist season.

The app covers twenty location in Croatia and Slovenia. In Croatia these include the ancient  military command centre Principium in Rijeka, the area of the Solin hill above Kostrena, the remains of the ramparts near Jelenje, Studena, Prezid and Pasjak.

Users have at their disposal an interactive map, 3D reconstructions of the archaeological structures, photographs and recordings of archaeological research and sites. A description of the fauna and flora of the area is also included.

The app offers itineraries with suggestions for trips, routes, trail lengths and degrees of difficulty. It can also be used by blind people.

Clasutra Alpium Iuliarum is a system of ramparts, defensive towers and fortifications built in the 4th century. It spans from Tarsatica, present-day Rijeka, across the mountainous hinterland and Prezid, west Slovenia to the Julian Alps. It was built and used from the 3rd to the 5th century to defend the interior of the Roman Empire against barbarian invasions from the east.

The remains of the defence complex were investigated in the first cross-border Croatian-Slovenian project Claustra. This was followed by the project Claustra+, which evaluated the objects and presented them as tourist attractions, said Primorje-Gorski Kotar County deputy prefect Marina Medaric.

The Claustra+ project began in August 2017, and it runs until the end of January this year. It is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund with €1.5 million. The total value of the project is €1.78 million for Slovenia and Croatia, of which €260,000 has been earmarked for Croatia.

