Minister: More than €4 million for sports infrastructure

Photo /webslike/Natječaj za izgradnju i obnovu infrastrukture.jpg

The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has announced a tender for co-financing the construction and equipping of sports venues in 2023 with a total value of €4,061,318.

The main goal of the tender is the development of sports infrastructure in all parts of Croatia through the encouragement and planning of the reconstruction of existing and the construction of new sports infrastructure.

"The restoration and construction of sports infrastructure is one of the most important strategic goals for the government, and this tender is part of the activities to achieve this goal. So far, we have co-financed 163 sports venues with a value of more than €8.2 million, and all types of buildings were included, from sports halls, basketball and football fields, tennis courts, athletic tracks and the like. We believe that a number of high-quality projects will be submitted for this tender this year as well, which will contribute to greater and better access to sports both for our professional athletes and for citizens, especially children and young people, in all parts of Croatia," said Minister Nikolina Brnjac.

The competition implements measures from the National Sports Program 2019-2026 and promotes the promotion of sports values and the popularisation of sports among citizens, the improvement of the sports system and promoting Croatian sports internationally.

