Medieval battle to be reenacted on 8 March in Samobor

Photo /AAA_2020_ABC/a_fotke/Samobor_viteski_FaH.JPG

The reenactment of the 1441 Battle of Samobor will take place on Sunday, 8 March, in that town west of Zagreb, with 400 participants in medieval costumes, including around 100 knights in armour, spearmen, pistoleers, musketeers, and gunmen, the event organiser announced.

The event starts at 10 a.m. with the traditional medieval fair, and the battle reenactment itself starts at 3 p.m. Until then, various craftsmen, such as hatters, basket weavers, herbalists, and mead makers will present their products and knowledge at the fair. Blacksmiths will present wooden swords and shields, leather equipment for knights, and various other medieval objects, and archers, swordsmen, and court dancers will run workshops.
The organiser emphasised that in recent years the reenacted Battle of Samobor had developed into one of the most significant tourism and culture events in the Samobor area.
The event commemorates a historic battle which took place at Ash Wednesday on 1 March 1441 in the area of Samobor. (Hina/FaH)
