Croatian health tourism has future, conference says

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How to attract sound capital for investment projects and to create a cluster of privately-owned health institutions in Croatia and connect it with the tourism industry after Croatia's accession to the European Union was the subject of a conference entitled "Investing for a Healthier Future" in Zagreb on Thursday which brought together about 50 foreign professionals.

The purpose of the conference was to lay the foundation for the development of projects in the health sector, connect strategic and financial partners, and encourage entrepreneurship, and the participants presented examples of good practice abroad that could be easily implemented within the existing system in Croatia.

"Croatia has a long tradition of health tourism and excellent results in the health sector and tourism, so that the renewal and promotion of the idea of health tourism in this country is of great importance," President Ivo Josipovic said, adding that in the new economic circumstances the return to the idea of health tourism opened up new prospects.

Croatia today has serious economic problems and its businesses are facing a lot of challenges. Health tourism could make a great contribution to the businesses and could create jobs, Josipovic said.

The conference, organised by the National Forum, was divided into two parts. The first, international part was held on Thursday and focused on how health services were functioning in the West today and how they were financed. The second part will be held on Saturday when the focus will be on Croatia, on new technologies in the health sector and models of investment in health tourism in the country. (Hina)
