Croatia among top preferred European destinations in 2012

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Croatia is among the eight most popular destinations for European holiday makers and it is the number one destination for four EU member countries, according to the results of the latest Flash Eurobarometer survey on the attitudes of Europeans towards tourism published in Brussels on Wednesday.

This European Commission survey was carried out in the 27 EU member states of the European Union and Croatia, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland Norway, Serbia and Israel.

Holiday plans for 2013 closely resemble the destinations chosen in 2012. Spain (12%), Italy (8%), France (7%) , Austria, Germany, Greece and Great Britain (4% each) and Croatia (3%) are still the most preferred destinations, and 51% plan to take a holiday in their own country.

Croatia is the number one destination for four EU members - Slovenia, Slovakia, The Czech Republic and Hungary.

Croatia was among the preferred destinations in 2012 for 40% Slovenians, 20% Slovaks, 7% Czechs and Austrians, 4% Germans, 4% Hungarians, 3% Poles, 2% Swedes and 1% Belgians, Danes, Estonians, French, Italians, Latvians, the Dutch, Romanians and Finns.

Seven out of ten Europeans travelled in 2012 (the same proportion as in 2011). The industry’s performance is expected to continue in 2013: three quarters of respondents to a recent EU survey (75%) are planning to go on holiday this year, although 34% will adapt their holiday plans taking the economic situation into account.

Europeans who did not travel in 2012 mostly cited financial reasons for not taking a holiday.

The tourism sector is one of the few sectors that have continued to grow and create jobs, despite the crisis. (Hina)
