Cappelli: Number of tourists visiting Croatia in early March slashed by 30%

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Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli said on Wednesday that the number of tourists in Croatia in the first ten days of March was 30% lower than in the corresponding period in 2019.

Although developments surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 are now adversely affecting the national tourist trade, the number of tourists and overnight stays since the start of 2020 is still higher on aggregate than in the same period last year, the minister said.

"We are aware of the current downward trends," Cappelli said.

The National Tourist Board (HTZ) met on Wednesday to discuss the latest developments and agreed to convene on a weekly basis to consider measures required to deal with the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourist industry.

The HTZ said it was necessary to maintain the cash flow of businesses in this sector and to preserve jobs.

