Croatian tourism promoted at Austrian Boat Show in Tulln

Croatia is promoting its tourism trade at the Boot Messe Tulln fair, the largest nautical fair in Austria but also central and eastern Europe, which is lasting from 5 to 8 March.

Croatian Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin visited the fair on Friday and said that it was important to attend the Tulln fair considering the importance of Austria as a source market for Croatia's tourism and that nautical tourism made up three to four percent in overnight stays and 11 per cent in financial indicators.

The Croatian National Tourism Board (HTZ) traditionally attends the fair and among the 370 exhibitors from 18 countries, there are 24 Croatian companies including marinas, charter companies and ship builders.

Recent surveys have shown that around 17% of Austrian holiday-makers have said that they would spend this year's recreation leave in Croatia which is more than last year, when 13% of Austrians who were on vacation chose Croatia for their destination.

"We have managed to be the number one foreign destination for Austrian tourists as around 50 per cent of Austrians spend their vacations in Austria," Lorencin said.

Last year more than a million Austrians visited Croatia and recorded six million bed nights.

