About 50% of Croatian Vacation Away From Home - Survey

Sixty-one per cent of Croatians planned a several-day vacation away from their city of residence in 2006 and 49 % realized those plans, while nearly 90 % do not even plan a winter holiday, although these are becoming increasingly popular, according to a Gfk institute survey.

Of the 10 % of Croatians who have planned to go on holiday this winter, less than 4 % will stay in Croatia, while the remaining 250,000 have chosen a foreign country.

This year about 60 % of Croatians plan to go on holiday, while as many as 40 % have never and will never take a vacation outside of their hometown.

Seventy per cent of those who vacationed away from home in 2006 were residents of Zagreb or cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. Sixty-six per cent were aged 15-34, of whom 68 % were not married and 65 % were employed.

Gfk concluded that going on vacation increases with the level of education and income, and that taking a holiday several times is gaining in popularity and is preferred by nearly one-fourth of adults.

The survey was conducted in late December and covered 1,000 people aged 15 and above.
