New wave of tourists expected, due to later school break in Germany

This year school break is coming later in three German federal regions which are particularly important to Croatia's tourism - Bavaria, Baden Wuettemberg and Nordrhein Westfalen and will start at the end of July and early August.

Arrivals of German tourists could increase with the start of school holidays as this usually marks the start of the largest wave of tourists from Germany to the Adriatic.

The director of the Frankfurt branch of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ), Mate Radic, told Hina that Germany is one of the most important tourism markets for Croatia but that the later school break should not have much of an impact on the final annual results from this market.

He added that since 2009, Croatian tourism has recorded increasingly better results from that market and a higher percentage of turnover which has put Croatia amongst the leading foreign tourism destinations for Germans.

Radic added that once again around 40% of German tourists are seeking 'all inclusive' packages and are looking for best quality for their money.

Croatia is aiming to achieve results at least on par to last year's, Radic said, adding that Croatia also wanted to retain its position on the market.

HTZ Director Meri Matesic underscored that German tour-operators were recording a great deal of interest in Croatia's autumn programme in September and October which offers certain optimism from that market. (Hina)
