Amendments to Tourism Tax Law - no more boat toll stickers

Boating tourists coming to Croatia will no longer be issued with a toll sticker or better known as vignette but will just have to provide proof of paying a tourism tax for each of the passengers on their boat and each time they pay this tax they will be issued with a receipt for the relevant period of their stay, the Tourism Ministry announced on Tuesday in a press release in reference to a regulation on amendments to the Law on Tourism Taxes. The government adopted the regulation at its last week's session which was then published in the Official Gazette on July 26. The amendments were necessary to adapt the Law on Tourism Taxes to the new procedures.

Boating tourists coming to Croatia will no longer be issued with a toll sticker or better known as vignette but will just have to provide proof of paying a tourism tax for each of the passengers on their boat and each time they pay this tax they will be issued with a receipt for the relevant period of their stay, the Tourism Ministry announced on Tuesday in a press release in reference to a regulation on amendments to the Law on Tourism Taxes.

The government adopted the regulation at its last week's session which was then published in the Official Gazette on July 26. The amendments were necessary to adapt the Law on Tourism Taxes to the new procedures.

This is a technical matter the ministry explained and will not mean any additional effort for tourists. The only difference is that tourists, after paying a one-off tourism tax, will only be issued with a receipt and not a toll-sticker for the boat as was the case until now. (Hina)
