Joint tourism promotion campaign by public and private sectors worth 136.7 mln kuna

The joint tourism promotion campaign of the public and private sectors in Croatia is worth 136.7 million kuna this year and its results so far show that their activities have been worthwhile, Meri Matesic, director of the National Tourism Board (HTZ), which coordinates the campaign, told Hina.

Matesic underlined the importance of joint advertising for the positive synergetic impact of promotion of Croatian tourism, adding that the campaign involves local tourism boards, hotel companies and other companies providing tourist accommodation, tour operators and travel agencies, air carriers and professional organisations.

The HTZ had initially planned 56.2 million kuna for advertising activities this year, but eventually signed contracts with its partners in the total amount of 63 million kuna, or 12% more than planned.

A total of 449 contracts have been signed with 256 public and private sector entities, most of which are tour operators and travel agencies from Croatia and 14 countries, followed by hotel companies, accommodation providers, and local tourism boards.

(1 euro = 7.56 kuna)

