Croatian tourism outlook positive despite new visa regime

Most tourism markets for the time being, based on bookings and sales so far for Croatian destinations, are showing a positive trend despite the introduction of a new visa regime as of 1 April which could lead to a fall in numbers from certain markets outside the European Union (EU) but this could be compensated with greater numbers from the EU market and by enhanced campaigning in those countries that require a visa for Croatia. These are the conclusions of a meeting of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) leadership which was chaired for the first time by recently elected Tourism Minister and HTZ president, Darko Lorencin. Reflecting on possible problems with the introduction of the new visa regime, Lorencin stressed that this measure was a must stemming from Croatia's obligations as an European Union member.

Most tourism markets for the time being, based on bookings and sales so far for Croatian destinations, are showing a positive trend despite the introduction of a new visa regime as of 1 April which could lead to a fall in numbers from certain markets outside the European Union (EU) but this could be compensated with greater numbers from the EU market and by enhanced campaigning in those countries that require a visa for Croatia.

These are the conclusions of a meeting of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) leadership which was chaired for the first time by recently elected Tourism Minister and HTZ president, Darko Lorencin.

Reflecting on possible problems with the introduction of the new visa regime, Lorencin stressed that this measure was a must stemming from Croatia's obligations as an European Union member. However, efforts are being made in cooperation with the foreign ministry, embassies and partners to relieve the visa regime, he added.

A fall in numbers of visitors can be expected from some countries but a positive aspect is that Croatia has been included in the top eight destinations determined by the Eurobarometer, HTZ director Meri Matesic said. (Hina)
