Croatia presents its tourism at German ITB tourism fair

Croatia's tourism was exceptionally successful last year and we have set ourselves as leaders in tourism in the Mediterranean, but this is just the beginning, we are working ardently to improve our quality, expand our services and create new tourism experiences, the director of the Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ), Meri Matesic, told a press conference in Berlin at the 47th ITB fair, one of the largest tourism fairs in the world.

Eleven thousand exhibitors from 190 countries will present their countries' tourism offers including Croatia which has been experiencing growing interest particularly from the German market.

German tour operators are satisfied with last year's results of a 5.5% growth in sales and expect that trend to continue this year.

ITB reports that Germans are expected to travel more than ever this year and to spend 2% - 5% more than last year.

Germany is Croatia's most significant tourism market, Matesic told about 40 reporters who attended the press conference organised by the HTZ.

Matesic recalled last year's success, underscoring the 1.8 million German arrivals with 14 million bed stays which will not be easy to repeat.

She said she expected Croatia's accession to the EU to contribute to raising the image of the country which is growing year in and year out, adding that Croatia had been recognised as an attractive tourism destination.

In addition to the HTZ representatives at the ITB fair, Croatia is also being represented by about 30 tourism companies in an effort to best promote the country for the coming tourism season.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially opened the ITB fair which will run until March 10.

