Central Bureau of Statistics: June Sees More Tourists on Annual Level

Croatia registered 3,149,806 tourist arrivals in this year's first six months, up 6.2 % from the corresponding period in 2005, and those tourists generated 12,229,341 nights, an increase of about 7 %, the Central Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.

June alone saw 1,387,747 arrivals and 6.8 million nights, an increase of nine and 12.7 % respectively.

Foreign tourists accounted for 1.2 million arrivals in June, generating 6.2 million nights, which was 9.2 and over 13 % more respectively than in June 2005.

Domestic tourists accounted for 188,000 arrivals and 601,400 nights in June, up 8.4 and 9.3 % respectively.

In this year's January-June period there were about 184,500 more arrivals than in the corresponding period in 2005 and 795,600 more nights.

Foreign tourists accounted for 76.4 % of arrivals and 83.5 % of nights in this year's first half, with more than 2.4 million visiting Croatia, up 4.2 % from the same time last year. They generated 10.2 million nights, an increase of 5.7 %.

The number of domestic tourists in this year's first six months was 743,200, generating more than two million nights. This was an increase of 13.3 % in arrivals and of 13.6 % in nights.
