More tourists visit Zagreb in 2011

A total of 664,176 tourists visited Zagreb last year and generated 1.14 million nights, up ten percent compared to 2010 in both arrival and nights, the Zagreb Board of Tourism said in a statement earlier this week.

Of this number, 516,433 were foreign tourists who generated 869,222 nights, which was 13 percent more arrivals and 11 percent more nights on the year.

Most of the foreign tourists came from Germany (41,651), followed by Italians (31,478), Americans (30,690), Spaniards (30,367) and the French (26,696),

Germans also generated the most nights. They are followed by Americans, Italians, Spaniards and Britons.

December 2011 also recorded an increase in the number of arrivals and nights, the Zagreb Board of Tourism said.

In December alone, a total of 37,377 tourists visited Zagreb and generated 69,582 nights, up seven percent in arrivals and 18 percent in nights compared to December 2010. (Hina)
