Zagreb included in Louis Vuitton City Guide 2012

The prestigious Louis Vuitton City Guide has included Zagreb in its luxury edition of travel guides for European cities for the year 2012, putting the Croatian capital among cities like Paris, Athens, Moscow, Barcelona and London, the Zagreb City Tourism Board said this past week.

Zagreb is the only Croatian city to be included in the 13th edition of the travel guide of one of the world's most famous fashion houses.

The Louis Vuitton City Guide, a collection of nine booklets with 31 popular European destinations, provides exclusive information on restaurants, cafes, shops, museums and galleries.

Unlike most travel guides, it does not include photographs of chosen cities, but rather very interesting drawings made by Ruben Toledo, the famous Cuban illustrator, painter, sculptor and fashion critic.

The guide on Zagreb starts with an interview with antiques collector Veljko Marton and his suggestions, continuing with recommendations about hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, designer fashion outlets, museums and parks. (Hina)
