Prince Harry seen partying in Hvar

Prince Harry of Wales, younger brother of the recently married Prince William, is visiting Croatia. He was seen in the company of friends in a night club in Hvar, on the southern Adriatic island of the same name, during the night between Saturday and Sunday.

It was not known when the 27-year-old prince had arrived in Hvar and how long he intended to stay there. Mayor Pjerino Bebic confirmed that the British prince was staying in Hvar, but that he had not met him. He said he hoped Prince Harry was having a good time and that he would visit Hvar again, noting that the prince and his entourage did not ask anything from the town authorities.

Prince Harry was accompanied by four bodyguards and seven friends. Before the weekend, he was seen having a dinner of sea food in a Hvar restaurant. Media quoted guests of the night club as saying that Prince Harry was having a good time, dancing and talking with other guests, and that at one point he jumped into the discotheque's swimming pool to cool himself and then returned to the dance floor. (Hina)
