February: Croatia Registers 13% Increase in Tourist Visits

According to data provided by the Croatian National Tourist Board, in February the Adriatic coast registered a total of 67.997 guests (plus by 18% over February, 2005) and 195.799 night stays (plus by 8% over February, 2005).

Adding to those figures the results achieved in the city of Zagreb, Croatia counted in February 2006 a 13% increase in tourist arrivals (total of 95.585) as compared to the same period in 2005. Those numbers also show a 6% increase in registered tourist nights, i.e. a total of 249.345 in February.

During the first two months in 2006 the Adriatic coast hosted a total of 119.296 guests (14% increase over 2005), whereas the number of domestic guests increased by 16% (total of 72.701) and the number of foreign guests by 11% (total of 46.595).

During the same period Croatia (Adriatic coast and city of Zagreb) registered 171.682 guests (an 11% increase), that number consists of 93.602 domestic tourist visits (a 13% increase) and 78.080 foreign tourist visits (a 9% increase).

The number of registered night stays for that period went up by 5% as compared to the same time last year, mounting up to a total of 470.827 nights. In that period domestic tourists realized 246.435 night stays (a 2% increase) and foreign tourists 224.392 night stays (a 9% increase).

Most of the guests, during the first two months, visited the city of Zagreb – a total of 52.386 tourists (plus by 5%), realizing 106.631 night stays (plus by 4%).

The Kvarner area registered 43.924 tourists (plus by 21%) and 118.789 night stays (plus by 12%).

Dalmatia counted in January and February the visit of 43.568 tourists (plus by 12%) and 120.059 night stays (plus by 3%). Istria registered a 7% increase in visits (total of 31.804) and a 2% increase in night stays (total of 125.348 nights).

According to HTZ information most of the tourists visiting Croatia in the first two months of the year 2006, arrived from Italy followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Serbia and Montenegro, France and Hungary.
