Croatian Camping Sites Mostly Hosting Danish Tourists

Croatia presented itself once more at the Danish tourist fair 'Holidays for Everybody', which was organized from 24 to 26 February, 2006 in Herning. This fair represents one of the two most popular tourist fairs in Denmark and the Croatian National Tourist Board is participating for the fourth time presenting various tourist offers; i.e. the Croatian Camping Association, the hotel company Maistra from Rovinj and Vrsar, Istraturist from Umag and other.

The fair in Herning is extremely interesting because most of the Danish tourists visiting Croatia come from the western part of Denmark, mostly arriving by car, stated Dario Matošević head of the Stockholm Office of the Croatian National Tourist Board. Matošević is very satisfied with the growing interest of Danish tourists for Croatian tourist destinations. Last year Croatia registered 83 000 Danish tourists which was a 40% increase as compared to the previous year. Based on those figures the Croatian National Tourist Board is planning to set up another branch office in Copenhagen.
The Danish are wealthy guests who are very interested in Croatia's high quality camping sites, said Sonja Brocca Nastić, head of the stall of the Croatian Camping Association.

Our country counts approximately 1500 camping sites, but only 22 of them are included in the offer Leader Camping Sites of Croatia for they satisfy the ADAC standards. The ADAC is an association of German automobilists that counts around 3 million campers.

The Danish campers are very interesting to Croatia for they fill up the capacities during the pre-season, said Sonja Brocca Nastić. During the fair many reservations were registered for the tourist resort Zaton, near Zadar as well as for camping sites in Istria.

The Herning Tourist Fair presented 760 exhibitioners from 34 countries. The fair is mostly oriented towards offering summer resorts destinations and camping equipment. There are also exhibitions dedicated to wellness tourism, golf and real estate offers, since the rather wealthy Danes tend to increasingly buy apartments and summer houses in Mediterranean countries.
