NYT Praises Istria for Culinary Delights

The New York Times  on Sunday ran an article on culinary delights from Istria in its section 'Travel'.

In the article headlined 'Istria: For Foodies, the Next Tuscany', the author Gisela Williams writes that 'with a bounty of seafood in the surrounding Adriatic waters, and with white truffles in its rolling hills, Istria, a heart-shaped peninsula in northern Croatia, is starting to attract adventurous foodies weary of overpriced and overcrowded tables in Tuscany and  the Provence.'

The newspaper quotes Lidia Bastianich, a well known chef and culinary expert in New York, as saying that 'in Istria you'll find intensely wonderful pristine flavors from the earth. That's the beauty of the region. One is still able to go around and taste artisanal products almost straight from the family table.' 

'Istria is a year-round destination, but Ms. Bastianich is particularly fond of the early spring, when she forages for wild asparagus. Truffle fans might prefer the fall, when generous helpings of white truffles are grated like cheese onto a dish rather than sparingly and carefully shaven.' the paper adds.

Croatia seems to be more and more attractive to US travelers.  The U.S. Tour Operators Association (USTOA) has recently announced that in 2006 Croatia will be the most favorable new tourist destination for Americans. (Hina)

