HTZ: New Posters of UNESCO Localities and New Croatian Gastronomy Brochure

Due to growing interest and with the goal to promote Croatian culture and tradition, the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) has printed new posters with pictures of localities which are under the protection of the UNESCO.

The total edition of the publication amounts up to 36 000 copies, including 18 different motives. The author of the concept as well as the photos is Damir Fabijanić.

The HTZ also produced a new brochure under the title ''Croatian Gastronomy''. Rene Bakalović is the author of the brochure, it contains many illustrations of regional Croatian gastronomic offers, and it also contains a gastro chart of Croatia with a list of regional specialties. The brochure is translated into English, German, French and Hungarian counting a total edition of 50 000 copies. (Hina) 
