New Tourist Project 'Look Around'

The Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development initiated a new tourist project in order to build up the competitiveness of tourist attractions and natural sites along the country’s main traffic routes. The important goal is to motivate more tourists to visit currently still unknown and distant places along those roads.

The State Secretary for Tourism Zdenko Mičić presented the basics of that project, named ‘look around’, at today’s Tourist Council session of the Croatian National Tourist Board (Hrvatska Turistička Zajednica – HTZ). Mičić emphasized that, at the moment, they were working on the first phase of the Project’s study.

The presentation of this HRK 800 000 worth first phase is expected to occur in January 2006. After that follows a detailed analysis, the production of brochures and other promo material regarding specific locations along 10 Croatian main traffic routes which will be included in the Project.

In cooperation with the HTZ, the Project will be accompanied by the installment of tourist signalization along those traffic routes. Those signs will direct the passengers, tourists to abandon the main routes in order to stop and take a look around, enjoying some natural sites and other attractions in the smaller places along the road.

According to Mičić, a very important role in that Project will have to fulfill the local entities, i.e. the private sector within those local entities. This will be a chance for them to not only develop tourism but to create new jobs and strengthen local business opportunities. (Hina)
