The Korean Times describes Croatia as 'Miss World of the Mediterranean'

The Korean Times ran an article declaring Croatia "Miss World of the Mediterranean" and Dubrovnik "Jewel of the Adriatic Sea", which once again confirms the importance of the visit of foreign reporters to Croatia, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board said in a statement on Friday, adding that reporters from South Korea visited the southern Adriatic city on April 2 and 3.
The article describes Croatia is one of the safest nations, adding that tourists can walk freely during day and night without any danger.
"Croatia is a microcosm of Italian, Hungarian, Turkish, Austrian, and Roman legacies and influences due to centuries of domination and occupation by neighboring countries. Through your visit, you can appreciate culture, architecture of these countries which dominated Croatia from prehistoric times to 60 years ago. It combines the best of the two worlds - the European and the Mediterranean," the article said.
Croatian cuisine is also a point of attraction. History and geography had a great impact on its food, the Korean Times said, adding that its sea food is similar to Italian.
The article stresses that 6,000 km coastal line graces Croatia, adding that Croatians are amazing hosts.
The article said that Dubrovnik is regarded as the most beautiful city in Croatia.
