Croatian tourism minister invites Serbians to spend their summer holidays in Croatia

Croatian Tourism Minister Damir Bajs on Thursday invited Serbians to spend their summer holidays in Croatia, promising them good service, safety and hospitality. Presenting the Croatian tourist sector at an international fair in Belgrade, Bajs said that the number of Serbian tourists vacationing in Croatia had been on the rise, adding that holidaymakers could expect "value for their money and maximum-quality service". Bajs said he and Serbian Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic had discussed the possibility of introducing flights from Belgrade to Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and other destinations, in addition to flight service between Belgrade and the northern Croatian Adriatic city of Pula which had already been introduced. He mentioned the possibility of flight service between Croatian cities and Nis, southern Serbia.

Croatian Tourism Minister Damir Bajs on Thursday invited Serbians to spend their summer holidays in Croatia, promising them good service, safety and hospitality.

Presenting the Croatian tourist sector at an international fair in Belgrade, Bajs said that the number of Serbian tourists vacationing in Croatia had been on the rise, adding that holidaymakers could expect "value for their money and maximum-quality service".

Bajs said he and Serbian Economy Minister Mladjan Dinkic had discussed the possibility of introducing flights from Belgrade to Zagreb, Dubrovnik, and other destinations, in addition to flight service between Belgrade and the northern Croatian Adriatic city of Pula which had already been introduced. He mentioned the possibility of flight service between Croatian cities and Nis, southern Serbia.

Bajs said that flight permits were not a problem, but noted that airliners decide on applications for flight permits in accordance with their own commercial interests.

Bajs also said that he and Dinkic had also discussed promoting the tourism potential of the two countries on the Danube river.

The Director of the Croatian Tourism Board, Niko Bulic, said that 88,794 Serbian tourists had visited Croatia in 2009, logging 440,738 bed-nights. Bulic said he believed the increased number of tourists from Serbia was the result of good promotion, announcing more Croatian promotional activities on the Serbian market this year.

The International Tourism Fair opened on Wednesday, attracting 850 exhibitors from some 40 countries. It was the first time the Croatian Tourism Board had presented Croatia's tourist services there. The show closes on February 28. (Hina)
