Tourist Board expects more than 550,000 overnight stays for Easter

Around 160,000 tourist arrivals and 550,000 overnight stays are expected in Croatia for Easter, the Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) reported on Wednesday, after conducting a survey among county and regional tourist boards.

Based on the survey results, around 160,000 arrivals and around 550,000 overnight stays are expected in Croatia during the extended Easter weekend, from 7 to 10 April, the HTZ has reported.

"The tourist turnover trend so far is in line with our expectations and predictions, considering the implemented promotional activities and feedback from our biggest partners and we are additionally pleased with the positive announcements for Easter," HTZ director Kristjan Staničić said.

An increase in arrivals of around eight percent and in overnight stays of around five percent is expected this Easter compared to last year.

"It would be a great prelude to the remaining part of the spring season and the main summer season, when the largest number of tourists visit Croatian destinations," said Staničić.

The HTZ notes that during Easter, the largest number of arrivals and overnight stays is expected on the coast, with an estimated 490,000 overnight stays in Adriatic counties.

The largest tourist turnover is expected in Istria and the Kvarner area and it is expected that the largest number of guests will be domestic tourists, but also visitors from neighbouring and closer countries, such as Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Italy and others.

