2009 sees drop in tourist arrivals, more overnights

A total of 9.74 million tourists vacationed on the Croatian Adriatic coast in 2009, a two-percent drop from 2008. There were 57.06 million overnight stays, one percent up from 2008, according to preliminary data released by the Croatian Tourist Board earlier this week.

Foreign tourists accounted for 88 percent of all arrivals and 89.3 percent of overnight stays.

The number of foreign visitors was one percent down from 2008, 8.58 million, but they accounted for 51 million overnight stays, one percent more than the previous year.

A total of 1.15 million domestic tourists vacationed on the Adriatic coast, 11 percent down from 2008, accounting for 6.05 million overnight stays, three percent down.

Istria County was one of the two Adriatic counties to have seen an increase in both tourist arrivals and overnight stays, with 2.82 million arrivals and 19.05 million overnight stays (1% up in arrivals and 2% up in overnight stays), the other county being Lika-Senj County, with an increase in arrivals and overnight stays of 6 and 7 percent respectively.

The other four Adriatic counties saw drops in arrivals ranging from three percent (Dubrovnik County) to nine percent (Sibenik County).

Apart from Istria and Lika-Senj counties, an increase in overnight stays was also registered in Zadar County (2%), and Sibenik and Dubrovnik counties (1%).
