Croatian Tourist Board holds virtual press conference for foreign press

The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) on Thursday held a virtual press conference for foreign media outlets, informing ten markets that Croatia is ready for the tourist season and all measures for a safe stay in its destinations are in place, the HTZ said.

First, Tourism and Sports Minister Nikolina Brnjac and HTZ director Kristjan Staničić addressed the foreign reporters, and then online conferences for each foreign market were led by the directors of HTZ branch offices, with the support of the international Aviareps PR agency.

The press conference was held for ten countries - Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway, and it was followed by 90 representatives of the foreign press from those markets.

The main topics were the requirements and protocols for entering Croatia, the current epidemiological situation with emphasis on the immunisation of the general population and tourism workers, testing centres and medical support for tourists, the "Safe Stay in Croatia" project and the "Trust me, I've been there" campaign. The conference also presented news on Croatia's tourist offer, flights and investments.

HTZ director Staničić said that the current announcements and information from the most important markets gave optimism ahead of the peak season, when the greatest intensity of tourist traffic is expected, and he believes that this year Croatia once again can take the position of the leading tourist destination in the Mediterranean.

Minister Brnjac told foreign reporters that Croatia was ready for the arrival of many tourists, to whom a stable epidemiological situation was the best invitation to visit.

