Korčok hopes that Slovaks will be able to spend summer holidays in Croatia

The visiting Slovakian foreign minister Ivan Korčok said in Zagreb on Monday that he was hopeful that despite the complicated epidemiological situation his compatriots could go on summer holidays to Croatia this year.

Korčok told a news conference that in 2020, Slovaks were mostly interested in whether the epidemiological situation would allow them to vacation in Croatia.
He was cautious about forecasts for the further epidemiological developments, and explained that it is too early to promise to hundreds of thousands of Slovakian travellers a summer vacation in Croatia.
"However, we hope that the all will turn out better than expected."
Korčok praised the efforts of Croatia's authorities and tourism sector and the campaign "Stay safe in Croatia".
He called on the Croatians to visit Bratislava as well as other parts of his country in higher numbers.
In this context, Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister, Gordan Grlić Radman, mentioned the plans for reintroduction of the rail service from Prague via Bratislava to Croatia's coastal destinations for this summer season.
Grlić Radman thanked Slovakia for the earthquake relief which it sent to his country after the devastating quakes in 2020.
After Zagreb and its environs were affected by the 5.5-strong quake on 22 March, Bratislava immediately sent 128 beds and 200 sleeping bags, and after the 6.2-strong quake in Sisak-Moslavina County, Slovakia's authorities delivered 44 heaters and 120 sleeping bags.
Korčok said that they were happy to be able to provide the concrete aid and underscored the close relations between that the Slovaks and the Croatians.
He expressed sympathy for the human losses and material damage caused by those disasters. (Hina)
