Deal signed to upgrade tourist services in Hutovo Blato, Dubrovnik and Kotor

Representatives of the Hutovo Blato nature and bird reserve in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina have signed a €1.7 million agreement with the tourist boards in the southern Croatian seaside resort of Dubrovnik and the coastal city of Kotor in Montenegro on upgrading the tourist industry in the region.

Some of the funds will be used for research of wetlands in this region where the three countries border with each other.

Under the agreement, the Hutovo Blato park will be awarded €212,000 within the European Union's Interreg IPA programme on cross-border cooperation.

The park's director, Nikola Zovko, on Friday welcomed the agreement as an important event for the further development of the tourism sector in the region.

The grant will be used by the park for organising a camping site for tourists and for training local employees.

Hutovo Blato is home to over 240 types of birds, 44 species of fish, including European eel, 11 species of reptiles and a lot of insects. There are also over 700 types of plants and herbs.

 The area is one of the biggest wintering grounds for birds in Europe.

