Croatian camping facilities have a future provided legislation is amended

Croatian camp-sites have a future provided that the government creates legal conditions for new investment cycles in that segment of the national tourist industry, it was said at a conference on Friday.

The conference in Tuhelj Spa, northwest of Zagreb, drew 140 Croatian and foreign participants.

KUH president Adriano Palman said that inadequate legislation and the fact that they must refer their issues or their projects to several ministries were the main problem in the development of the camping sector.

According to Palman, in the first nine months of 2009, Croatian camp-sites saw an increase in nights of 3 percent.

In the national tourist trade, camping facilities account for 26 percent of overall nights and 25 percent of overall accommodation.
Palman said that the potentials of camping facilities were even bigger.

Calling for the implementation of projects of establishing holiday villages or holiday accommodation parks throughout the country, he said that nearly one third of the existing camp-sites could be transformed into such facilities, but that this was hindered by legislation. (Hina)
