Air Baltik to start direct flights to Dubrovnik in early July

The biggest Baltic airline Air Baltik is preparing to launch the first direct seasonal flights to Croatia, connecting Vilnius and Dubrovnik, to start on July  6, the Croatian Tourism Ministry has said.

The introduction of direct seasonal flights was announced by Air Baltik's sales and marketing director for Lithuania, Evgeny Kozirev.

The ministry said that Air Baltik was expected to bring to Dubrovnik a certain number of Lithuanian tourists whose visits have been registering very favourable trends for years even though so far there have been no direct flights between the two countries, except for a few charter flights.

In the so far record year 2019, 47,000 Lithuanian tourists visited Croatia, an increase of 10.5% from 2018, and they generated 7% more overnight stays (186,000).

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, Lithuanians have travelled to Croatia this year as well, and according to the eVisitor system, in the first five months 516 Lithuanians visited the country, generating slightly less than 3,000 overnight stays, which was just 17% of their overnight stays in 2019.

