​Hoteliers call for continuation of jobkeeping measures and opening borders

The association of hoteliers with the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) on Thursday called on the government to continue its jobkeeping measures for another three months and to urgently open the country's borders.

The association's president Josipa Jutt Ferlan said that the novel coronavirus has been successfully thwarted and that hoteliers are restarting their business. She added however that the tourism sector would be the biggest  loser in the current crisis and that recovery could take up to a year.

"Hence we ask that the borders be opened in an effort to encourage tourist travel and the continuation of jobkeeping measures for another three months because hoteliers will still not be able to generate a sufficient income for the next three months to cover the cost of employee salaries on their own. It is extremely important to preserve jobs in this sector because new good workers are hard to find," Jutt Ferlan underscored.

She added that the presumption is that large hotel companies will open one or two hotels each while most other hotels will remain closed.

She underlined the large share of tourism in GDP and the strategic role hotels have in the tourism industry.

