​Kopacki Rit Nature Park investing €8.2 mn in its presentation centre

The Kopacki Rit Nature Park authorities have recently presented results of an investment of HRK 61 million in the project of enhancing the "Presentation and Education Center Tikves", which has been funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds.

The purpose of this project, launched in 2018, is to renew, transform and equip the existing Tikves complex in the Presentation and Education Center, according to the head of the project Vesna Hrvojevic.

As much as 85% of the costs of this project, which is expected to be completed in 2021, has been covered by the EU funds, and the remaining 15% by the Croatian environment protection ministry. 

In 1993, Kopacki Rit, placed near the river Danube and its tributary Drava in east Croatia, was added to the List of Wetlands of International Importance as defined by the Ramsar.

It is one of the best preserved floodplains in Europe and is widely known as a habitat for numerous waterfowl birds, population of a common dear and our most significant inhabitant – white tailed eagle, which is also a symbol of the Park, the Par says on its official website. (Hina/FaH)
