Tourism minister says additional incentives to be considered

Croatian Tourism Minister Damir Bajs, National Tourist Board director Niko Bulic, and local city and tourism officials met in the southern Adriatic resort of Dubrovnik on Saturday to discuss the preparation of this coastal area for the 2010 tourist season. Speaking to the press after the closed meeting, Bajs said the Tourism Ministry would consider introducing additional incentives aimed at prolonging tourist stays to seven days or more.

Croatian Tourism Minister Damir Bajs, National Tourist Board director Niko Bulic, and local city and tourism officials met in the southern Adriatic resort of Dubrovnik on Saturday to discuss the preparation of this coastal area for the 2010 tourist season.

Speaking to the press after the closed meeting, Bajs said the Tourism Ministry would consider introducing additional incentives aimed at prolonging tourist stays to seven days or more.

"Our tourism has yielded better results than anticipated this year, but the real test will come next year and it is realistic to expect that tourism powers like Italy, Spain and France will take strong measures to attract tourists, so we too must have a ready response," said Bajs.

He presented 66 local beneficiaries of state support with contracts on grants for various tourism development projects worth HRK 2.7 million. The Tourism Ministry set aside HRK 26 million for such projects this year. (Hina)

