Croatia has 673 hotel objects, 39 campsites and 48 marinas

Croatia has currently a total of 673 objects belonging to the group ‘hotels’ which includes not only hotels but also tourist villages, aparthotels and tourist apartments, with 66,440 rooms and 135,720 beds. Besides the mentioned accommodation facilities, Croatia has also 39 campsites and 48 marinas, according to the latest figures released on the Tourism Ministry"s website.

Croatia has currently a total of 673 objects belonging to the group ‘hotels’ which includes not only hotels but also tourist villages, aparthotels and tourist apartments, with 66,440 rooms and 135,720 beds. Besides the mentioned accommodation facilities, Croatia has also 39 campsites and 48 marinas, according to the latest figures released on the Tourism Ministry's website.

The number of hotels as such, adds up to 564, most of which -- 309 -- have three stars, 125 have four stars, while 112 have two stars. Eighteen hotels, two more than last year, have five stars.

Nine five-star hotels are located in the Dubrovnik area, three are located in Zagreb and in the Rijeka area each, two in the Split area and one in Istria. (Hina) 
