Lonely Planet: Croatia, the best destination in year 2005.

Famous American tourist guide publisher the Lonely Planet pronounced Croatia as one of the world's most desirable tourist destination in year 2005.

The unique combination of the culture, the history, the native kitchen, the traffic accessibility and also the advantageously prices is describing the attraction of Croatia, what has been marked by the Lonely Planet employees whose representatives are present all over the world.

One of the reviewers wrote: „This is the year of Croatia“. „The broad number of the tourists is attracted by rich variety of the Croatian attractions. The Croatia has not been possessed by tourists yet and has developed an excellent tourist infrastructure so that complies the adventurous rutted tourists as also those that have plans and needs for the defined level of commodity.

The next attendee in the Lonely Planet election wrote that: „Croatian combination of the traffic accessibility (it's easy to come in Croatia by driving from almost any part of the Europe), also the prices are relatively low (especially in the comparison with the coastal countries like Spain and Italy), and also the high quality has the certain guarantee of beeing the „hot-spot destination“this year.

Number of employees gave their compliments to „the beautiful Croatian beaches and islands“and also „wonderfully preserved towns like Dubrovnik“.

At the last year's survey, Croatia has placed the fourth position, and for the purpose of this year's survey, in the sharp competition, Croatia has reached the first place.

China is placed at the second position as one of the best tourist destinations, next countries which are placed at the fifth position, due to the number of the Lonely Planet employee’s votes are: Argentina, United States of America, Italy and Costa Rica. 
