Valamar Riviera to increase employee salaries

The Valamar Riviera hotel company has decided to increase its wage budget by 11.5% in 2018 with focus on a rise in salaries of basic occupations in the company and the increase has been agreed to with two trade unions in the company, the Porec-based company stated in a press release on Monday. Following agreement with social partners, the base wage rate will rise by 4%, whereas 7.5% of the total wage budget will be additionally invested in raising salaries for occupations such as chefs, cooks, waiting staff, room maids and cleaners, Valamar Riviera stated.

The wage increase refers to salaries of 4,000 employees, and the company is committed to ensuring that the lowest wages be between HRK 5,000 and 7,500 per month.

Thus, over 20 million kuna is being invested to increase salaries of all those on the company's payroll.

Apart from higher salaries, Valamar Riviera also provides seasonal workers with appropriate accommodation and three meals per day.

The number of workers hired by Valamar Riviera is likely to reach 6,600 during the peak season along the coast.

