Tourism Minister Gari Capelli to continue current projects

Croatia's new Tourism Minister Gari Capelli on Thursday took over from his predecessor Anton Kliman, saying that he would continue those projects that had already started and that he would do everything for tourism to develop even better. After the handover ceremony Capelli and Kliman underscored that they had already cooperated successfully in the Croatian Democratic Union's (HDZ) tourism committee and also during the past year, in a project involving the airport in Mali Losinj, when Capelli was the mayor of that town and the president of the local tourism board.

Croatia's new Tourism Minister Gari Capelli on Thursday took over from his predecessor Anton Kliman, saying that he would continue those projects that had already started and that he would do everything for tourism to develop even better.

After the handover ceremony Capelli and Kliman underscored that they had already cooperated successfully in the Croatian Democratic Union's (HDZ) tourism committee and also during the past year, in a project involving the airport in Mali Losinj, when Capelli was the mayor of that town and the president of the local tourism board.

"We will finalise bills that the Tourism Ministry has begun working on, such as those concerning tourism boards and tourism land, as well as other legislation that is vital to develop continental and coastal tourism and special forms of tourism. We hope that we can achieve a lot in this term, the more so as fast action is expected of us, particularly with regard to preparing the 2017 season," Capelli said.

He announced that he would focus on the 'Total Quality Management' project about which there would be more talk in the months to come, adding that as mayor of Mali Losinj he had identified problems in the tourism sector that needed to be resolved and that sometimes were in the remit of more than one ministry, for example, the problem of tourism land.

